Real Moxie

Woebegone troglodyte hermitage.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Mecca for lesbians and whiners

The Si Valley paper says:
In Santa Cruz, many single women have a problem with the single men. Well, three problems, actually: Too many young college students. Too many surfer dudes and starving artists. And too many men who, well, aren't interested in women. ...

``Women around the world complain about the lack of datable men, but nowhere do they whine more than in San Francisco and in Santa Cruz,'' said Gosse, a former Catholic school teacher who's been in the dating industry for 27 years. ``In San Francisco, women say, the men are either married, gay or dead. In Santa Cruz, they're either young and still in college, gay or too poor.'' ...

``I hate to say this, but a lot of men in Santa Cruz lack a work ethic,'' said Margie Kudrav, a former Santa Clara Valley resident who moved to Santa Cruz County 12 years ago. ``It's a different world than San Jose. . . . I haven't dated in four years, but I never stop trying.'' ...

``It's the women who are gay,'' said Boudreau, referring to Santa Cruz's national reputation as a lesbian mecca.
The article describes a failure in an attempt to bring out-of-town men to meet the local Santa Cruz women. The explanation seems obvious -- Santa Cruz women have a reputation for being whiners and lesbians.


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