I was bitten by a dog in the neighborhood. It had barked at me and chased me a few times before, but it never came close to biting. It drew blood in about a dozen points. Ouch.
I called Animal Control. They are supposed to check the dog for rabies.
An 3.14 (Richter scale) earthquake woke me up at 6:05 this morning. The epicenter of the quake was just a couple of miles from my house, and I felt a good shake. It was just enough to remind me of the great 7.1 quake of 1989.
This is just a personal blog where I identify myself by first name only or by rmtnman. I might mention my ex-wife or my kids or maybe a hot date, and I'd rather do it anonymously.
The blog name just comes from qualities I admire and respect. I like people, things, and ideas which are real, and I respect people with fortitude and determination. The slogan just has some big words I strung together.
Read the blog!